Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Its the middle of the first semester and its getting harder to get outside and excited about the day. I've been feeling dull and cold which ultimately makes me feel anything but pretty! Good thing there is a cure!!!
One♥ A good dose of moisturiser!! I have been so busy with life I totally forgot about moisturising my arms and legs. It takes an extra minute of your day and makes to you smell and feel great!Soft skin just boost the soul to levels of good!
Two♥ Why not buy a new season color?? maybe its just my obsession with fashion magazines but I love wearing that "must have" lipstick/nail polish/eyeshadow. Yes it is very much a marketing scheme to keep the buying on a never ending spiral of financial doom BUT its got me. I don't follow everything the magazine tells me but i do enjoy feeling as though I am dressing in Vogue.
Three♥ Take time for a Bubble bath. This is similar to the moisturiser. Taking me time sometimes seems trying and that there is no time. You will be surprised how much a facial and bubble bath can pick up your week.
Four♥ Get your hands on some new shampoo!!! I just went out and bought two new shampoos. I'm trying out one with oat milk and a bottle of Johnson's baby shampoo. I also bought a new dry shampoo. BEST STUFF IN THE WORLD!! I sware dry shampoo is like magic.
Five♥ Raid Walmart for some Wool Socks. They will help you beat that winter chill that's creeping in. I have yet to pick some up but I just know it will help. Waking up in the morning with my feet exposed to the cold air. Getting out of bed is very painful in this situation. If i had some warm wool socks waiting for me life would be so much better. Just sayin!
Six♥ Take a catnap. Many believe catnaps really don't work but honestly? why not try. Do it breakfast at Tiffani es style. A snazzy eye cover and snazzy ear plugs. Its said that a half hour nap keeps you from feeling groggy afterwards. Also you heal when you sleep so pack on that moisturiser and blemish remover, pop a multi vitamin and get some shuteye!!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Dont Get Viral
As the leaves start to wilt, the wind gets nippy, and your fave shows like Glee are starting again you want to avoid one horrid thing! The summer to winter cold! Everyone I know has gotten some form of this unfortunet deseise at some point in their life and everyone hates it. Dont get me wrong I love fall! Good shows, movies, new pens, and the feeling of change! not just the leaves change but something about fall makes me want to change every year. weither its finishing all my homework,buy that new scarf/shirt/w.e., decideing to organize my room, or change my worst points in my personality I always have a strong urge to change.
This year my biggest urge for change is to stay healthy and still have beautyful soft skin/hair despite the months of dry air coming up. to acheive all of this I must keep my health up and there are very simple changes anyone can make to their life to do this. A few changes I'M making are:
♪ More Vitamin C! I feel so much more energy through my system just because Ive been keeping up with my multi vitamins and eating as much vitamin C rich foods. Vitamin C heals everything.
♪ Deeper sleep. I have been experimenting with what time is the best time for me to go to bed. Getting into bed early doesent mean you have to struggle to fall asleep instantly, relax and stare into space. I give myself an hour or more before bed without tv and other electronics. This helps my mind shut down and stop moving so fast. In this time I take a shower/bath, Make my food for tomorow and little things like that. The last two things I do before bed is stop drinking fluids and shut out all of the light in my room. About a half hour to an hour before bed I dont have any more than a sip of water, this prevents me from wakeing up in the middle of the night to go pee. Shutting out all of the light in my room helps me acheive that deeper sleep and not stare at my digital clock all night.
♪ No Coffee/Caffien after noon. Coffee is great to wake up in the morning and to be honest is the only thing that keeps me from falling asleep in class. Sitting on plastic chairs stairing at a black board is deffinetly no exilerateing no matter how much I love a course. I get better sleep if Ive only had one cup of coffee in a day. Pluss its a fact that more than two cups of coffee a day is not good for your heart in the long run. Why do it? Find another way to not pass out on your desk! I find water and lemon works.
♪ More vegtables and less dairy and wheat. This doesent mean I completely cut them out of my diet. When I want a snack or a drink I try something like carrots or almonds. Dairy and wheat help your body produce mucus and thats what causes my sinuses to flair up. NOT FUN!!!
Why not enjoy the orange leaves? Fall isnt bad, all it needs is a scarf and coat.
~Marie Erin
This year my biggest urge for change is to stay healthy and still have beautyful soft skin/hair despite the months of dry air coming up. to acheive all of this I must keep my health up and there are very simple changes anyone can make to their life to do this. A few changes I'M making are:
♪ More Vitamin C! I feel so much more energy through my system just because Ive been keeping up with my multi vitamins and eating as much vitamin C rich foods. Vitamin C heals everything.
♪ Deeper sleep. I have been experimenting with what time is the best time for me to go to bed. Getting into bed early doesent mean you have to struggle to fall asleep instantly, relax and stare into space. I give myself an hour or more before bed without tv and other electronics. This helps my mind shut down and stop moving so fast. In this time I take a shower/bath, Make my food for tomorow and little things like that. The last two things I do before bed is stop drinking fluids and shut out all of the light in my room. About a half hour to an hour before bed I dont have any more than a sip of water, this prevents me from wakeing up in the middle of the night to go pee. Shutting out all of the light in my room helps me acheive that deeper sleep and not stare at my digital clock all night.
♪ No Coffee/Caffien after noon. Coffee is great to wake up in the morning and to be honest is the only thing that keeps me from falling asleep in class. Sitting on plastic chairs stairing at a black board is deffinetly no exilerateing no matter how much I love a course. I get better sleep if Ive only had one cup of coffee in a day. Pluss its a fact that more than two cups of coffee a day is not good for your heart in the long run. Why do it? Find another way to not pass out on your desk! I find water and lemon works.
♪ More vegtables and less dairy and wheat. This doesent mean I completely cut them out of my diet. When I want a snack or a drink I try something like carrots or almonds. Dairy and wheat help your body produce mucus and thats what causes my sinuses to flair up. NOT FUN!!!
Why not enjoy the orange leaves? Fall isnt bad, all it needs is a scarf and coat.
~Marie Erin
Monday, August 30, 2010
Ciao Boots.

The boots, the hair, the VaVaVoom bod, the voice.
I dont know much about Nancy Sinatra but I do know that much! Her makeup and style is so inspiring. Her music is also something I throw on when in a cheerful yet sophisticated mood. To be very truthful the reason I took my first look at her was because of her makeup. I love it to death. I was looking for a really good picture of (Andy Warhol's "Poor Little Rich Girl") Edie Sedgwick's makeup. She would spend many hours every morning to get a certain look; this includes black and white makeup around the eyes, Penciled eyebrows, and layers of false eyelashes. At times when Edie spent most of her money and couldn't afford makeup she would use water color paints as makeup. Edie's ridiculously (seemingly glamorous) party life of drugs,makeup, fashion, and binge eating puts her to the top of my most interesting persons list.

ANYWAYS back on track. Back to the topic of Nancy (excuse my limited rant on Edie there is so much more I can say about her maybe another day?) Pictures of Edie aren't as good as those of Nancy so I could never get that up close inspiration I was always looking for with Edie. My brief research on Nancy's style has inspired me to look further into her and get a little piece of her in my life. Well that's all for now but if you would like to get inspiration from my fave poor little rich girl look up the movies Ciao Manhattan, and Factory Girl, See for yourself how addictive her life story is. Tragic yet seen as glamorous to most young minds!
Here are some of my fave pictures of Edie!!!!

And of course the inspiration of my post! Ms Sinatra!!!

Monday, July 5, 2010

For my VERY FIRST meatless monday heres a quick, easy to make, and YUMMM YUMM YUMM! This meal consists of egg, melted cheese, tomato, letus, and mayo on a Cheese bun. I melted the cheese in my oven onto the inside of the bun for extra cheesyness! Fried the egg (easy over is less drippy) and mayo on each side of the bun. To round up the meal there is a side of cherries and a glass of milk. This meal contains every part of the food groups! Protien, Dairy, Vegtables, Fruit, and Grain! You will be glowing from the outside and the inside! Healthy body means happy you!
Marie Erin
Currently watching
~Sailor moon! Re watching the whole show!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Summer Plans!!
This summer I plan to post a healthy well rounded Vegitarian meal every monday!
Meatless mondays will include a basic description of the preperation and ingredients! I will also post the possible options for Vegan meals!
Lets make this summer a healthy one!
Marie Erin
~Currently Watching Sailor Moon
Meatless mondays will include a basic description of the preperation and ingredients! I will also post the possible options for Vegan meals!
Lets make this summer a healthy one!
Marie Erin
~Currently Watching Sailor Moon
Friday, June 18, 2010
Best summer Ever
This summer I dare you to have fun.
I will be following this list:
it is brilliant and there is nto much i need to say about it if you take the time to read it!
but id like to add a few things!
♥ Paint your nails at least once a week!
♥ Buy a nail polish thats bold and not something youd regularly buy
yes thats only two things but C'mon that list is so thurough!
Ciao! Till next time!
Current song
The lovely sound of birds and airconditioning
I will be following this list:
it is brilliant and there is nto much i need to say about it if you take the time to read it!
but id like to add a few things!
♥ Paint your nails at least once a week!
♥ Buy a nail polish thats bold and not something youd regularly buy
yes thats only two things but C'mon that list is so thurough!
Ciao! Till next time!
Current song
The lovely sound of birds and airconditioning
Monday, May 31, 2010
The Monday After
This weekend topped all weekends this year!
I went to my prom, went to see Sex and the City 2, went tanning on a floatie in my pool, AND looked fabulous wile doing it all.
First off prom! My look pulled through! I felt like a cross between red carpet Miley Cyrus and Red carpet Katie Perry. Though the stylist dammaged my hair I WILL LIVE! I guess that the price of looking awesum!
Unfortunetly this picture doesent capture my amazeing shoes! but... heres a tip for a natural smile in any picture!! Just say Monkey. It works this is proof.

Anyways So I used this grey faux aligator purse to school today carrying my books. It left me with a dark purple and red battle wound. It looks identicall to a hicky!I so didnt expect a bag to do that! Ive learned my lesson! only fabrics with smooth materials can be used at school bags! Binders are not kind!
Anyways Ciao!
~Marie Erin
Current song - Bjork ~ Army of me
Bjork ~ Innocence
Bjork ~ Declair Independence
I went to my prom, went to see Sex and the City 2, went tanning on a floatie in my pool, AND looked fabulous wile doing it all.
First off prom! My look pulled through! I felt like a cross between red carpet Miley Cyrus and Red carpet Katie Perry. Though the stylist dammaged my hair I WILL LIVE! I guess that the price of looking awesum!

Anyways So I used this grey faux aligator purse to school today carrying my books. It left me with a dark purple and red battle wound. It looks identicall to a hicky!I so didnt expect a bag to do that! Ive learned my lesson! only fabrics with smooth materials can be used at school bags! Binders are not kind!
Anyways Ciao!
~Marie Erin
Current song - Bjork ~ Army of me
Bjork ~ Innocence
Bjork ~ Declair Independence
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Day Two
So Iron Man is the best movie! scarlette is amazeing her hair and style in this movie is consisstant with the style I want to have for prom. I found my dress yesterday. Its from Le Chateau and im completely inlove with it. I wasent expecting to find a strapless dress that stayed up comfortably. I have bad luck with that kind of thing. Ive decided Im going to make my necklace because i havent found anything thats the right size. so ya thats all for now. 13 days till prom all thats left to get is shoes and accessories. ExCITEDDDDDD!!!!
Currently listenting to
Video game music lol
Friday, May 14, 2010
Count Down To Prom
I was so excited to go to elementary school, then middle school, then highschool and now collage. Its hard to be excited with the now! Anyways so I got my prom tickets two days ago and its in two weeks. I have done no preperation AT ALL! So I have two weeks to get my skin, hair, nails, and teath in top shape. and currently...their FARRRR from perfect. Winter has distroyed my skin makeing it flakey and dry and not so pretty (I feel like the wrong kind of mermaid). My nails are majoy chipped and the top layer has been peeled back from constant nervy B's since I dont have a job anymore. Oh yeah and I also need a dress and to contact a hairstyleist to book my time in to get my hair done. A LOT OF PREPAREING!!!!
Today Im going prom dress searching. Then again on saturday. Im hopeing something nice and elegant. The one thing I have to try to stay away from black. Its a bad habit and I love it so!!! Especially black silky or sparkely. I have this hairstyle picked out!
Now my hair is much longer than her but you get the idea! Maybe put a cute gold barette in my hair or some fancy boby pins!
Well thats all for now! I'll keep ya posted! PEACE! <3
Currently Listening to
Blah Blah Blah -Ke$ha
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