The boots, the hair, the VaVaVoom bod, the voice.
I dont know much about Nancy Sinatra but I do know that much! Her makeup and style is so inspiring. Her music is also something I throw on when in a cheerful yet sophisticated mood. To be very truthful the reason I took my first look at her was because of her makeup. I love it to death. I was looking for a really good picture of (Andy Warhol's "Poor Little Rich Girl") Edie Sedgwick's makeup. She would spend many hours every morning to get a certain look; this includes black and white makeup around the eyes, Penciled eyebrows, and layers of false eyelashes. At times when Edie spent most of her money and couldn't afford makeup she would use water color paints as makeup. Edie's ridiculously (seemingly glamorous) party life of drugs,makeup, fashion, and binge eating puts her to the top of my most interesting persons list.

ANYWAYS back on track. Back to the topic of Nancy (excuse my limited rant on Edie there is so much more I can say about her maybe another day?) Pictures of Edie aren't as good as those of Nancy so I could never get that up close inspiration I was always looking for with Edie. My brief research on Nancy's style has inspired me to look further into her and get a little piece of her in my life. Well that's all for now but if you would like to get inspiration from my fave poor little rich girl look up the movies Ciao Manhattan, and Factory Girl, See for yourself how addictive her life story is. Tragic yet seen as glamorous to most young minds!
Here are some of my fave pictures of Edie!!!!

And of course the inspiration of my post! Ms Sinatra!!!
