The birds are singing, the flowers are blooming,and best of all the spring attire is coming out of storage. Now, I am a really REALLY messy person. I am the joke of the family when I say I cleaned my room the response is usually "oh so theres a path now?" or something of that nature. I have 13 years of clutter in my room. My mom never forced me to clean nore did she clean for me because I would always complain when she threw away my collection-of-the-week. I don't know what it is about this year but for some reason I have just been on a cleaning spree! I have four or five garbage bags of stuff to give away to the library and good will in my basement. That is only the beginning. I have years of school work, 16 years to be exact this includes kindergarten and preschool, and its hard sometimes to just dump away this stuff I've always thought that "I will have a use for this someday!" but enough is enough! I want ZEN I want to be able to do yoga in my room, or walk around without getting something wedged in my foot. I want my room back... or well... lets be honest... I never had a clean room back I not really the right term...
ANY WAYS! step one is getting rid of all that I don't need. Yes this includes clothes. I have too many random pieces that I think "Oh this would look lovely with that" when i don't own "that" therefore I need more classics but that's later. Old Marie would start buying classics when I really don't have room for them.

Second maximize your space so you get the most out of what you have. Organize so that you really are using your room the most efficient way. Like for example, I have a full length mirror and even though it fits perfectly behind my door I NEVER USE IT also I have a drafting table, a double bed, a large dresser, and a massive guinea pig cage. these are things I don't plan on getting rid of, I plan to use this feature on Ethan Allen's site to the best of its ability to organize my bedroom. There is also graphing paper, useful, but lets be honest... the Ethan Allen link is WAY WAY cooler.
Next is Shelving. I have a friend (Keely who's fabu and Glam blog is here she also has a myspace which I'M sure you can figure that out.)who's room was a complete DISASTER! and now she is the organization queen. Now she didn't spend millions she went to the dollar store as well as ikea and bought some pretty useful stuff. Theres also some pretty cool stuff on

Last is beautifying, yes that's a word. For example... Bookcase, you don't have to put all the books in the same direction. I find you fit more if you stack your books differently by size, slant, stack and what not. It looks way cooler!!! How about organize nic-nacs, I have a Lilo hula girl (you know Lilo and Stitch?) beside my ship in a bottle, ha ha it makes me laugh.
The biggest advantage to more then a path of space... is dancing around your room... I never was able to do that before ha ha!
-Marie Erin
P.S. I got the picture of the book case from Cupcakes and Cashmere. If you have never seen this blog, I recommend you put in at least an hour of browsing through it! Its written by the clever and lovely Emily Schuman all the way in Los Angeles.
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