Friday, May 6, 2011

Marvel Gone Dunit Again!

Movie: Thor (2011)

Rating: 8.5/10

General Opinion: This movie was like a moving comic book, the plot was a little lacking and the ending was cliche but the movie as a whole was action packed and humorous.

I got to see Thor the day before it was released thanks to my bestie Keely. Overall it was a good movie, though what I like particularly much is the fact that it was a moving comic strip. The shots and colours had that Marvel comic book feel down to a tee without being tacky. The costumes and general wardrobe were not over the top or unrealistic. For example, Natalie Portmans character (Jane Foster) is a scientist who lives in the middle of nowhere was wearing dusty boots, no lipstick, NO HIGHHEELS. I hate when they doll up characters who its out of the characters character to be so. LOL confusing sentence. The only criticism I have about this movie is that the ending seemed a little abrupt (I guess because there is going to be a sequel?) and that I saw it in 3D. I'M one of the many who get headaches and experience minor discomfort during 3D movies.

Anyway! If you have the chance to see Thor, or have been thinking about it I say GO FOR IT! Its worth your money and time.

Ciao :)
~Marie Erin

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