Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Lets Think About it.

First off watch this.

Now think, how much of your routine do you do because its whats done? What do I mean whats done? I mean because its what your mother did, your friends do, the media says YOU SHOULD do. Whens the last time you have actually questioned "Why do we do this?". Whether its cosmetic, religious, routine, or just plain old diet. I find my family has become increasingly lazy over the years. We drive what would take us ten minutes to walk, we eat more frozen prepared foods, and we do things just because its the way we've been doing it for years. What frustrates me the most is the simplest, when we are making food or pouring a glass of milk, and we leave the fridge open the WHOLE TIME. Ridiculously simple I know, it only wastes a little energy (despite the fact that it adds up over time), but we never think about the simple.

Convenience stores, frozen food, driving everywhere.


My friends are so perplexed why I don't have my drivers licence and why on earth i would EVER... EEEVAARR want to take the buss, bike or walk.

I know this is a little off topic from the video I posted but Laci really gets me thinking. She always states a valid question that makes me question the way my life is right now.

I do so much because its routine.

We do so much because its how its done.

Its amazing how humans adapt to whats around them and bodies of people can be almost identical but when someones different they are scrutinized. Really they should be celebrated, its easy to be like those around you but hard to step out as an individual.

Your not a lost cause just because you are the way you are. Shine beyond that belief.

-Marie Erin

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